2024 Postgraduate Scholarship Program of the Government of Ireland.

by Admin

An established national program, the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is overseen by the Council and supported by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation, and Science.

In the Irish research environment, the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is unique and works in tandem with other funding sources for postgraduate education within the Irish ecosystem. Its characteristics include:

Specific, distinguished awards given under the applicant’s name for outstanding research;
A methodical selection procedure employing impartial, global expert peer assessment;
Financing for research in every field, including biology and archaeology; and
Awards for undirected, bottom-up research, excluding projects supported by our strategic funding partners.

Promising suggestions that tackle novel and developing areas of study or that present inventive, creative methods are highly appreciated. Interdisciplinary proposals are also welcomed since it is acknowledged that combining knowledge, methods, resources, and viewpoints from two or more fields can advance basic understanding.


The scholarship will include the following and have a maximum annual value of €31,000 in any year that is approved:

A €2,2,000 annual stipend; A maximum contribution of €5,750 towards fees (including non-EU fees); and €3,250 towards eligible direct research expenses are the three main benefits.


The following requirements should be noted by applicants before submitting an application for the 2024 Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship:

Both program types have no upper age limit for candidates to be eligible.
All candidates must be connected to or accepted into a recognised Irish institution of higher learning or research-producing agency.

Only applications submitted in English or Irish will be considered.
Candidates cannot have applied to the applicable program—including strategic partner themes—more than twice and been rejected both times.
Regardless matter whether the applicant’s host institution or study topic has changed since their last submission, the aforementioned holds true.

Selection Process


Call open: 29 August 2024
FAQ deadline: 16:00 (Irish time) 03 October 2024
Applicant deadline: 16:00 (Irish time) 10 October 2024
Supervisor /Mentor deadline: 16:00 (Irish time) 17 October 2024
Research office endorsement deadline: 16:00 (Irish time) 24 October 2024
Call outcome End of April 2025
Award start date: 1 September 2025

Method of Application

Click Here to Apply

Prospective candidates should carefully review the call documentation to determine their eligibility. The application and supervisor forms are only offered in indicative form for informational purposes. Each participant must use the online system to create and submit their forms.

Application Deadline: October 3, 2024.

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