March 12, 2025

UM is pleased to offer its NL-High Potential Scholarship program, which offers 24 full scholarships of €30,000 (including tuition fee waiver and monthly stipend) each academic year to exceptionally gifted non-EU students who have been accepted to the master’s program. The program consists of two scholarships: the Maastricht University Scholarship Fund-funded High Potential Scholarship and the NL Scholarship, which are sponsored by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, & scientific in association with Dutch universities of applied science.

Overview of Scholarships:

Maastricht University is the sponsor.
Institution of Host: UM, Netherlands
Total Funding: All funds provided
Numerous Honors
Master’s Degree Program Nationality: Students from outside

Maastricht University, Netherlands: Requirements for High Potential Scholarships

nationality of Switzerland, Surinam, or a non-EU/EEA nation, necessitating a resident permit and entry visa for the Netherlands.
Not a dual citizen of Switzerland or any other country in the EU/EEA.
application for enrollment in a master’s degree at full time for the 2024–2025 school year.
The UM master’s program requires specific entry requirements to be eligible.
Not taking part in any degree-granting Dutch higher education program.
35 years of age maximum as of September 1, 2024.
a current transcript of grades or a certification of academic distinction that attests to your success in prior courses.

Maastricht University (NL): Significant Potential Benefits from Scholarships

pays living expenses.
offers health and liability insurance.
pays for the application fees for visas.
includes tuition costs.
covers the expense of pre-academic preparation.
provides a program called International Student Ambassadors.

How to Apply for Maastricht University’s High Potential Scholarship

Enroll in a UM master’s program that is involved.
Incorporate your UM account to finish the application.
Please upload your resume, cover letter, proof of exceptional academic achievement, financial needs statement, letter of reference, and referee’s contact information.

Application deadline: yearly

Go to the official scholarship webpage.

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