March 12, 2025

The 2025–2026 NVIDIA International Graduate Fellowship Program is now accepting applications. NVIDIA has been inviting PhD students to submit their research topics for consideration for the past 24 years. The selection of recipients is contingent upon their study area, professor nomination, and academic achievements.

Eligibility Requirements

At the time of application, students must have already finished their first year of doctoral studies.
Majors in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, system architecture, or a related field are required of the students.
Active research is a requirement for students completing a PhD thesis.
In order to receive the grant, students must be enrolled as full-time, active PhD students for the whole nine-month 2025–2026 academic year. As a result, they cannot anticipate graduating earlier than May or June 2026.

Before their Fellowship year begins, students must be able to finish an in-person summer internship at one of NVIDIA’s research locations located in the US, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Israel, or Taiwan.
Students might not be a current employee of NVIDIA’s immediate family.
Note: The student’s university must handle the administration of the award; payment will go to the university rather than the student directly.

Method of Application

Graduate Fellowship Applications Must Include:

  • Research summary/thesis proposal – up to 2 pages, plus bibliography (bibliography does not count toward 2 page maximum for proposal)
  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV) including contact information
  • Professor nomination letters (2 letters minimum (must include one from thesis advisor), up to 3 letters maximum — OK to have nomination letters from non-professors, as long as you have one from your thesis advisor/professor).
  • Confirmation of availability for an in-person summer internship

For More Information,

Visit the Official Webpage

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