Study Scholarships from DAAD for Masters Students in 2024 and 2025
Applications for the Study Scholarships from DAAD for Masters Students in 2024 and 2025 for All Academic Disciplines at a state or state-recognized university in Germany for the 2024–2025 academic session are now being accepted from interested and qualified individuals. Through this scholarship program, you can pursue a postgraduate degree in Germany to further your academic career. The German Federal Foreign Office provides funding for the scholarships.
Scholarship Sponsor(s): DAAD
Host Institution(s): Universities in Germany
Funding Amount: Funded
Number of Awards: Several
Study Level: Masters
Nationality: International Students
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to receive DAAD Study Scholarships, applicants are expected to meet the following eligibility conditions:
Applicants who are international students
You can apply if you have completed your first degree (e.g. Bachelor’s or Diploma) at the latest by the time the funding period begins.
Selection Criteria
Academic qualification
Academic achievements
School leaving certificate, if applicable
Course of studies
Knowledge of the language(s) of instruction or working language(s)
If applicable, relevant internships, work experience.
Quality of the Study Project
Quality of the study project and of the preparation (preliminary information, choice of degree programme, host university and establishment of contacts)
Integration of the project into the academic career path.
Potential of the Applicant
Motivation: academic and personal reasons for the stay in Germany, German language skills (if different from the working language);
Prospects: Significance of the stay in Germany for further academic, professional and personal development.
Extracurricular commitment: extracurricular knowledge and skills, social commitment.
Eligible Courses
Please note: For applicants from artistic disciplines and the field of architecture, the DAAD offers the following scholarship programmes:
Fine Art/Design/Film
Performing Art
Scholarship Benefits
The programme provides funding for
A whole postgraduate or Master’s degree programme completed at a state or state-recognised university in Germany
or One year of study in Germany as part of a second or Master’s degree completed at your home university. The general condition is that the academic credits you gain in Germany are recognised by your home university. Moreover, the standard period of study at your home university should not be exceeded as a result of the study year in Germany. Funding for a Master’s programme already started in Germany cannot be granted.
Scholarship payments of 992 euros a month
Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover (see also important information for scholarship applicants)
Travel allowance
Annually study allowance of € 460
Under certain circumstances, you can apply for the following additional benefits after start of funding:
Monthly rent subsidy (please read the important scholarship information)
Monthly allowance for accompanying members of family. Please also read our important information for scholarship applicants
In case of a disability or chronic illness: on application, a subsidy may be provided for justified additional costs, incurred in Germany due to the disability, that are necessary to realise the project in Germany and that are not covered by a third party; whether and to what extent a subsidy will be paid will be reviewed and determined on an individual basis (see important information for scholarship applicants)
Green Mobility Top Up (Support for climate-friendly travel) or reimbursement of carbon offset payments for air travel.
To allow you to improve your language skills in preparation for your stay in Germany, the DAAD offers the following benefits:
Payment of course fees for an online language course after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter if necessary: German language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the study visit in Germany; the DAAD decides whether to fund participation and for how long depending on German language skills and project. Participation in a language course is compulsory if the study programme is taught in German.
Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the scholarship period
Reimbursement of the fee for a TestDaF or DSH test, which you can take either in your home country after you have received your Letter of Award or in Germany during your funding period.
Duration of the funding
Depending on the length of your chosen programme, the scholarship is intended for visits of between 10 and 24 months.
The scholarships are awarded for the duration of the standard period of study for the chosen programme (up to a maximum of 24 months).
Please state the entire period for which you wish to apply for a scholarship in your application.
If you are planning a 2-year degree programme, you must indicate two years as the desired scholarship duration in your application. After the first year of study, your academic achievements will be assessed. If this shows that you will successfully complete your programme within a reasonable period of time, the scholarship will continue as planned. The scholarship usually begins on 1st October of the following year, or earlier if you take a German language course prior to the study programme.
Application Procedures
How-to-Apply: Interested applicants seeking for DAAD Masters Study Scholarships are expected to submit application online. The funding period will be determined by the selection committee during the selection process, taking your work schedule into account. The scholarship cannot be extended.
Application Deadline: Not Specified
Visit the official scholarship website
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