The STIAS Research Program and Fellowship
The STIAS Research Program and Fellowship. Applications from adequately qualified individuals are presently being accepted by the Stellenbosch Institute for Advance Study (STIAS) to join The STIAS Fellowship and Research Program includes both STIAS-initiated and -led projects and programs, as well as those that are fully self-generated and suggested by applicants. A separate “creative space for the mind” is offered and maintained by STIAS to further research and scholarship in all fields. With its African roots, it is both local and global in scope, and in this regard, it promotes creativity and originality.
- Fellowship Sponsorship and Host Institution: STIAS
- Funding: Multiple Awards
- PhD level of study
- Nationality: International students
STIAS Fellowship and Research Program Eligibility Requirements
- Short-term Fellows and artists-in-residence selected from public discourse and opinion shaping field.
- Limited submissions from young researchers with postdoctoral fellowships.
- STIAS does not review postdoctoral positions, except those under Volkswagen Foundation contract.
STIAS Fellow Selection Standards
- Academic merit and novelty of proposed research project are key deciding factors.
- Level: Proposal should involve cutting-edge research.
- Innovation: Project should generate new information and offer fresh insights.
- Interdisciplinarity: Project should incorporate and benefit from other disciplines.
- Relevance: Project should be suitable for advanced study programs and relevant to Africa and South Africa.
- Feasibility: Research design, methods, and workability of the research plan should be plausible.
Application Process for STIAS Program
- Candidates must submit a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, a list of publications, relevant articles, project title and summary, a 200-word synopsis, fellowship duration, preferred and alternate residency dates, and motivation for choosing STIAS.
- Submissions should be sent to STIAS Senior Programme Administrator, Ms. Gudrun Schirge, via email at gudrun@sun.ac.za or via mail at Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa.
Deadline for application: October 31, 2024
Visit the official scholarship website
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