Applications from highly qualified individuals who are interested in participating in the World Trade Organization Internship Program for Postgraduate Students are now being accepted. Postgraduate students from WTO member and observer countries can work at the WTO through this program and gain priceless experience. Postgraduate students can choose from a variety of internship programs provided by the WTO Secretariat. Internship candidates are chosen on the basis of their qualifications, taking into account their experience, education, and history.
Overview of WTO Internships
The WTO Secretariat is where
Time frame: Up to half a year
There are several openings.
needs graduate students
WTO member countries’ nationalities
The requirements of the World Trade Organization internship program
Nationals of a country, customs territory, or WTO member state who are negotiating membership.
must have finished at least one year’s worth of undergraduate and graduate work in the pertinent discipline.
Candidates must be no older than 30 years old and at least 21 years old.
Benefits of an Internship at the WTO
A CHF 60 daily stipend is offered.
The WTO is unable to pay for airfare to or from Geneva.
Health insurance must be arranged by interns.
How to Apply for the WTO Internship Program
Apply through the external job portal of the WTO.
Only those who are selected for interviews will be contacted.
The online application completion instructions are supplied by the system.
current roster of eligible candidates selected for internships.
Applications that were appropriate were retained on file for a year.
Admission is open at all times; there is no predetermined time for recruitment.
There can be certain job ads on the WTO’s e-Recruitment website for particular qualifications and skills.
Application deadline: not defined
Go to the official scholarship webpage.